Do I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
– J. W. Goethe
Are you a manager or an entrepreneur?
Are you an entrepreneur or a consultant?
There will come a point in your life when you’ll ask yourself these questions and the answers won’t seen obvious.
It might be the labour market that prompts you to ask these questions or it might be you or your background …
To be an entrepreneur or act like one?
In a labour market where there is an apparent lack of jobs, people that are capable of being entrepreneurs, should do so and create jobs.

In some cases an entrepreneurs are individuals that create their own company after a solid and challenging managerial career– either on their own or with colleagues - as a newco or as a spin-off of their former company.
There are also Entrepreneurs (with a capital “E”) who venture into markets they had no prior experience in: they study the markets, plan to manage them and make use of the “core” know-how they find within the market.
There are start-up - and not just tech start-ups.
There is also franchising of products and services!
How can we identify entrepreneurs and start an entrepreneurial venture: this is what we are interested in and the area where we can offer a valuable contribution by:
assessing your predisposition
assessing "soft" skills
listening to ideas and helping you to give structure to them
supporting you in defining your entrepreneurial idea through a business plan and market research
providing contacts and information to explore and examine in more depth the various aspects of this “adventure” and the business you identify.
This is not just chitchat: we use templates, examples, tests, interviews and provide a varied and extensive experience. We provide real case studies, contacts, companies that can provide the consultancy that might be necessary for each of the steps that are mapped out.