Federico, i.e. military strategy is "the Strategy"
He is not strong that never falls, but he that falls and gets up again.
– J. W. Goethe
A new company often stems from a negative experience: sometimes it is not the company that goes bankrupt, but some of its ventures are seriously questioned and an individual pays the price for this. A whole team might be put under scrutiny or a manager might lose the trust of the Board.
The individuals in these stories are generally quality professionals who have had a highly respectable career path! But they find themselves tasting defeat … and I won’t go into details because they are quite personal.
The proof of the stature of these people is that they’re looking for an exit route and eventually find it – sometimes only after a commitment of many years!
Federico is a“classic”example – from amongst people I know well. He set up his own company with the aim, on the one hand, of supporting its customers and, on the other, of investing in internal and external innovation and research projects; the sectors in which it operates are ICT Governance and Software Development.

The company’s initial success in 2011 was a springboard: the company had about 40 employees and it took on new work and projects, aside from improving in the areas it already operated in, with a constant process of analysis /alignment to new technologies and the most recent developments from the web.
A focus on innovation along with its consolidated experience are the means through which the company is able to continue to move forwards and satisfy demand, thus attracting investors in Italy and from abroad.
This final step led to various new start-ups being created, thanks to the implementation and development of the ideas my company decides to invest in directly. A new way of doing Business, believing in one’s ideas, abilities and skills and demonstrating it on the ground by investing the company’s profits, year after year, in a new entrepreneurial project: the company has effectively become a Technology Lab . And it continues to enjoy success after success.
"How did you start?" I left my comfort zone and I decided to take up the challenge I had set myself. "Life consists in disappointments, scrapes and bruises that sometimes even time cannot erase. Life is made of starting points and returns, but there is one thing that I have learnt, in this spiral of negative experiences … you can suffer, feel bad, cry until your eyes hurt … but you always get back up, because nothing is more important than ourselves and our life, which is the most precious gift we have been given… SO YOU NEED TO REACT AND STAND UP AGAIN!"
"Three thing to do?" Do, do and do (it’s like try, try and try...).
"Three things not to do?" Not doing.