Why a Communication Coach in the GoodGoing! network?

Business meeting

Communicating has become as important as breathing. The way we communicate is crucial for our success and our self-actualisation, both in the professional and in the personal sphere.

Communication includes a series of verbal and non-verbal codes, at a conscious and unconscious level, which translate into emotions, impressions and meanings in the hearts and minds of our listeners. These codes are not studied at school, except for highly specialised courses. As a consequence, they are mastered only by those few who have a natural gift instead of being spread more widely through targeted initiatives based on self-assessment and improvement. Becoming aware of these codes and learning how to use them enhances our power as communicative beings and opens up a more conscious and promising future.

Communicating in our native language is already a challenge, which can become an insurmountable obstacle when we need to speak a foreign language, especially if we are not able to assess our linguistic performance objectively. This is unfortunately frequent in a country where the quality of English teaching is generally poor. In an international context, communicative skills in English can make the difference between being short-listed and hired or overtaken by another candidate, delivering a clear and memorable presentation at a conference or being remembered as incomprehensible and verbose, getting a promotion or missing it, not to mention the repercussions on your daily working life.

The Communication Coach is an expert who can support you in overcoming the challenges posed by communication needs in English at every stage of your career.

The hiring process of large multinationals is long and demanding; it requires a thorough knowledge of communicative strategies in English: not only grammar, syntax and vocabulary, but also a conceptual organisation of ideas that is very different from what we are used to.

If you represent a start-up, a well-conceived and nicely presented elevator pitch outlining your strengths in just a few minutes is crucial to draw the attention of potential partners and investors. Working with the coach allows you to delve into the underlying rational, organise your content and present it in a simple and persuasive way, while improving all linguistic and cultural gaps.

Once hired, you are constantly asked to present your proposals during meetings, give or receive feedback, work in a team ... not to mention participation in conference calls, which feature additional difficulties since your counterpart is distant and not always clearly visible or audible. Even in these cases, a coach can help you acquire the additional skills that make the difference.

If, on the other hand, you hold a top corporate position, you are often asked to deliver speeches during conferences and events: a very stressful task indeed, as the natural fear of speaking in front of a large audience (glossophobia) intensifies when you have to express yourself in a foreign language.

These are some examples of strategic phases of your professional life in which a Communication Coach can be a precious resource to assist you in developing a simple and evocative communicative approach in English, while maintaining your personal style. Abroad, these professionals play an essential role in HR development and are key to enabling anyone to make significant improvements in the shortest period of time.

Coaching sessions can be provided both in-person and online, with flexible timing and in full compliance with health constraints due to Covid 19.

Who is Cristina Moretti?

Cristina Moretti

My strength is the combination of two complementary skills.

  • For over 25 years I have been working as a conference interpreter in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese for top institutions (EU, UNO) and major companies and multinational organisations.
  • Since 2006 I have been offering my services as a trainer and ICF Professional Certified Coach specialised in Communication Coaching, especially for English.

My career allowed me to work in international settings and live abroad, in particular in Belgium, France, United Kingdom and Brazil. This first-hand experience as an expat freelancer was very significant as I was directly confronted with linguistic and cultural challenges that are well known by all those people who operate in diverse business environments, which are very stimulating but demand a constant adjustment to different kind of habits and mindsets.

My experience as a conference interpreter gave me the opportunity to translate prominent speakers in a large number of sectors (politics, science, literature, fashion, architecture, economy, etc.) and to compile a repertoire of successful communication techniques, which I enhanced by attending specialisation courses in Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. I also witnessed less effective speeches and resounding flops, which also contributed to raising my awareness on what works and what is to be avoided.

In the coaching practice I work together with clients coming from all business and corporate functions and areas with a view to developing their talents and bridge their gaps in their English communication. A demanding but rewarding job that has enabled hundreds of coaches to achieve outstanding results. Together with a coach you can generate radical change in your communicative performance.

Remember: you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!

What she does for GoodGoing!

She collaborates with GoodGoing! to offer consultancy, coaching and mentorship services to overcome communication-related challenges, especially in English. The aim is not simply to improve clients’ language skills but rather to help them adopt a different communicative approach by addressing all key aspects: organising concepts, preparing a text or a Power Point presentation, simulating the final delivery, on site consultancy during an event, etc.

  • Do you have an interview in English for a position you would love to hold? Preparation is essential: multinational enterprises seek candidates with an appropriate expressive approach, a high level of communicative skills and sound assertiveness. This is not easy to achieve in a foreign language. Together we can review the requirements, prepare answers to various questions, role play and make sure that you are up to the task.
  • Do you have to deliver a presentation at an important meeting or illustrate your project to potential investors? Or conduct business negotiations? The stake is high and time is very limited: you have to do your very best! Together we can draft or revise your presentation or your negotiating arguments, streamline and strengthen them, rehearse your speech several times to find the right strategy to hit the target.
  • Do you aim at holding a position in an international environment? Are you planning to move abroad to find a new job or start your own business? Are you taking up a new position that will require a more confident use of English? In this case our goals will be more general, but if you believe that your business English needs to be improved, we can set a fruitful learning programme to foster your acquisition of knowledge and skills that will support you for the rest of your life.

With GoodGoing! she contributes to the professional development and employability of our clients to guide them towards a more promising future. She also posts articles that can be useful knowledge dissemination tools.

About the author
Cristina Moretti
Cristina Moretti owns a peculiar combination of two complementary skills. For over 25 years she has been working as a conference interpreter in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese for top institutions (EU, UNO) and major companies and multinational organisations. Since 2006 she has been offering my services as a trainer and ICF Professional Certified Coach specialised in Communication Coaching, especially for English. Her career allowed her to work in international settings and live abroad, in particular in Belgium, France, United Kingdom and Brazil.

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