Job interview: how to behave
Why should you prepare for a job interview? Because it’s a business matter! Let’s start with the basics.
Why should you prepare for a job interview? Because it’s a business matter! Let’s start with the basics.
You need lots of things for a job interview but not a business card!
No problem! No problem? If it’s a professional meeting even if you meet a person of your network. You should always prepare for it!
Aside from your name and surname, how should you present yourself to an old acquaintance or to a new person? The elevator's Pitch is a basic step.
When do job interviews take place? How do companies make their selections? When and how should you present yourself to the market?
You're looking for a Career Change and you know lots of people: how do you approach them? What should you say? When should you say it?
Are you sure you don’t know anyone? Try these exercises and you’ll see that’s not the case! A successful career transition starts here.
With the right Career Coaching support you'll receive very detailed instructions for creating and extending your own Network. Get in contact now.
How can you use the network to change your job or identify additional professional opportunities? Click here and find out our suggestions.
It’s easy to speak about Networking. But what does it really mean, how many ways of networking are there and how can we use them for a Career Change?