You stated in your cv that yu like to travel: what does that mean?

Travelling and skills

Unlike other countries, this did not use to be recommended for CVs in Italy.

Now, even in Italy, people have started adding something personal to their CV, for a whole series of reasons:

people acknowledge that your professional and private lives are not so unrelated and that skills or abilities you learn outside the workplace can also be used professionally to the benefit of individuals and their employers,

there is so much competition that something out of the ordinary might not necessarily lead to you being selected  immediately but it could become the basis for creating a connection with the recruiters and
ensuring they remember you,

there is a lot of talk about personal branding: even travelling can contribute to the creation of your personal brand, don’t you think?

When it comes to travelling I think I’ve done pretty well: I might not be a world-beater, but I’ve visited over 70 countries throughout the world (I’m counting the US as a single country even though I’ve been to about twenty different states).

So during interviews or when I’m reading someone’s profile (on paper, email, LinkedIn, or
a newspaper) I tend to notice if a person travels and I interpret that. A holiday in a tourist resort is one one thing, but an interest in more adventurous holidays can tell us so much more about a person.

In other words it opens up a whole new world. That can then be evaluated separately.

Evaluating extraprofessional interests when recruiting staff

What do you learn when you travel? You learn to open your mind, meet different people, deal with a wide variety of issues, take care of yourself and be curious. You also learn new things, you learn on the task and you are forcedto shed your prejudices ….

Let’s be clear, I am using the word travel as opposed to going on Holiday or getting a plane to a resort in Santo Domingo to lounge on a beach for 15 days.

Setting off

With a new perspective

An open mind

Ears to listen

Hands to grasp others

The simplicity to experience wonderment

The sincerity to truly question yourself  

Without demanding anything

Making do with what little you have

To live each day as it comes

And enjoy the essential things in life …


After all, a journey is a metaphor for life, which also includes your time at work, with its ups and downs, changes, targets that are met or missed, your role, your relationship with others … have you ever thought about it like that?

So if you are responsible for recruiting for a company or a client, you should also consider secondary information from extraprofessional interests like travelling.

And if you are a candidate you should also make the most of these aspects … to stand out from the crowd.

Supporting the people that turn to GoodGoing! means doing a very precise job that involves handling a lots of different signals and pieces of information to help them make the difference!  

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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