The networking meeting 1:1 to identify new professional opportunities

Networking meeting 1:1

Networking meeting 1:1 with a persona you know, in order to identify new professional opportunities

My suggestion would be to always use contacts in person, but organise a telephone call beforehand in which you should clarify the timing, procedures and content of the meeting.

In this phase you should bear in mind that you shouldn’t ask your interlocutor for a job but do ask for information and other contacts.
Indeed it’s unlikely that your interlocutor will be able to directly and immediately offer you an employment opportunity but they should be willing to give you other contacts for your research, and may in some cases act as your spokesperson with the other interlocutors you identify, on condition that your request and your professional profile are clearly and easily “transmissible”. So you will have to arouse their curiosity and interest by highlighting your potential rather than your issue/problem.
The request should be that of helping you to identify, on the basis of the specific knowledge of your interlocutor and his/her contacts, what companies, organisations or situations, your knowledge and skills would best be employed in, enhanced and thus produce an added value, so that your candidacy would be seen positively. It is obviously appropriate to adapt the language and message to the specific context and culture of your interlocutors.

Suggestion: mention the type of ideal company, the position, department or role you’re aiming for. Mention the names of the organisations you are interested in. People will need a reference framework to help you in your research. It’s easier to offer support and develop contacts with specific information.

Once you’ve go the appointments you’ll need to prepare for them, by identifying the areas your interlocutor could help you with most based on his/her know-how or contacts by following an agenda like the one below:

Introduction / opening / initial phase (e.g. pleasantries breaking the ice, thanks, link with the person you know)

Personal presentation

Objective / request

Questions/ brainstorming

Reciprocal action plan

Closing (thanks, new contact).

In general we recommend being:

Brief – Your interlocutor may have about half an hour - or at most one hour - of their time to offer you and the meeting serves the purpose of  building/obtaining something during that period. Your interlocutor will not be doing any homework apart from the activities you decided on/they agree to take on during the meeting

Targeted / focused on the interlocutor and on what you want to ask them – The focus should be done by adapting the balance of the professional experience and activities you mention

To the point – Concentrate on what you can do rather than what companies you have worked for, the positions covered, whom you reported to. This translates to providing examples (achievements), which should initially be in a summary form.

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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