Coming back to Italy from abrod in order to find a job!
You can't live keep living abroad if you’re not working.
In some countries permits are required and without these you can’t even stay. A well known example is the US, where you need a Green Card to work, unless you are employed by a company that asked you to emigrate and guarantees that you have a job.
In any case, abroad, especially in Anglo-Saxon countries, the labour market is quite flexible compared to ours, in terms of people going into jobs or leaving them. You might find a job, leave one and find another, but you could also leave one and struggle to find a new one.
So you might consider reflecting on your life and decide to return to Italy.
This is the case with Luca.
Attached is an interview on his professional experience
abroad and his return to Italy.
The interview to Luca (in Italian) (285 kb.)