Social Marketing + Recruiting = Social Recruiting

PBS Talent

Many of us have a LinkedIn profile:

  • People in the consulting sector
  • People in the ICT sector
  • Young people who use social media and are seeking a job
  • People who are job hunting
  • People who once had a profile, shut it down and are now thinking about trying again
  • People who have been using it for work since it was launched
  • People Who ... you never know.

Having a Linkedin profile is a serious matter from a professional viewpoint.

Social Marketing + Recruiting = Social Recruiting

More and more companies - and also research and selection firms- communicate to the general public using LinkedIn in order to search for staff to employ, consultants to hire or experts to interview.

In particular, the professional use of this analysis is spreading. LinkedIn offers support for the HR sector with ad hoc tools, companies have people dedicated to searching on social media and also the research and recruitment companies.

There are also intermediate services, which can be purchased on the market, which can take on a part of the scouting process. It is not research and recruitment, it is a part of the work that is centred around social media. It is called Social Marketing and consists in helping companies to "hire" people with a profile on social media that compares to the requested profile.

For example, I am a company looking for a person with certain professional characteristics. I define the so-called job description. I look for LinkedIn using keywords and then ...

Social Marketing

It would be nice to have a service that identifies the people who are really interested in what I'm looking for and makes the initial checkup ...

This service exists and GoodGoing! has identified it on the market and offers it as part of its network/partnerships.

It's called PBS Talent

Let's see how it is described by its creator, Primo Bonacina, an important figure in the Italian ICT panorama in recent years.

"Today It is crucial to be able to hire the right people, in a short and clearly defined period of time, and with certain costs and content. I would like to show you how I have helped over 100 national and multinational companies to achieve their needs.

Warning: PBS is NOT a research and recruitment agency.
Neither in form nor in substance.

Instead, I am a manager with great B2B / IT / Digital experience and, since 2014, a consultant specializing in communication via social media. My proposal to support you in recruiting professionals and managers is simple and distinct:

  • I listen to your needs, which will lead us to quickly produce a work plan together with effective documentation
  • Through the network, targeted advertising and social media, in 12 working days (guaranteed!) We will establish a database of candidates accompanied by complete dossiers
  • All at a fixed cost and an all-inclusive consulting that is lower than that of traditional methods which will be charged to you, following a minimum down payment, only after you have been able to verify the quality.
  • Finally you will select the right candidates and take the ones you want, when you want. "

"Summing up, the 6 winning points of the proposal:

  1. IT / Digital / B2B skills, extensive knowledge network
  2. Detailed work plan, quality tested tools
  3. Strong visibility of the initiative and of your company through a social marketing campaign
  4. Quick and guaranteed results
  5. All-inclusive, fixed and contained costs
  6. Fee only if the outcome is satisfactory".

Why not try? 

  • Especially if you are an HR Manager don’t worry: you can do your job better and in less time.
  • If you are the CEO of the company and you do not have enough HR resources, even better.
  • If you are an entrepreneur and you want to choose the right people to recruit? Best to not waste time on many candidates, but rather focus on some that respect your requirements and who have shown interest in your company, no?

Try it!

Contact us with no obligation to learn more about

About the author
Cristina Gianotti
For more than fifteen years Cristina Gianotti has been working in Coaching - Career, Executive and Business Coaching – supporting managers, professionals and entrepreneurs that are interested in investing in themselves and their own professional development. She comes from a management consulting, management and entrepreneurial background. In 2016 she published her fisrt book "E' facile cambiare lavoro se sai come fare" (It is easy to change job if knowing how) with bookabook. In 2018 the second one "Connecting Dots: il networking questo sconosciuto" (Connetting dots: the unknow professional networking").

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