For an important move like changing job it is better to approach a Certified Business Coach

What is coaching?

But what is coaching?

And what is business coaching?

And are coaches certified? Do they have a specific academic background and experience that is assessed and certified by an independent body as a guarantee of the quality of the service they offer?

Compared to countries like the United Kingdom, Italy is not exactly a shining light in terms of attention for standards, methodologies and certifications. But thinks are changing gradually – just think of areas like Project Management, IT security, Business Analysis just to offer some examples within the IT sector that typically is influenced more than others from international standards.

Even in coaching certifications do exist. In the US, for example, these are disputed because what really counts is the relationship that is created between the coach and his/her client (the coachee).

Business Coaching


The team of professionals at Goodgoing! includes business coaches – coaches who are focused on supporting people in business, labour, corporation and professional contexts.

Business coaching therefore consists in a regular and structured conversation with a client, which has the objective of developing the client’s awareness and improving their behaviour and conduct in order to reach business objectives for both the client and their organisation.

– Worldwide Association of Business Coaches


This is why it chose a specific association called WABC: Worldwide Association of Business Coaches.

The Worldwide Association of Business Coaches (WABC) is the first global professional association to exclusively represent the business coaching industry. Since its inception in 1997, WABC has dedicated itself to raising the profile of business coaching—still an emerging profession—and to differentiating it from coaching in general. By engaging in disciplined self-regulatory activities to increase public trust in our industry worldwide, WABC has done more than any other organization to identify the tasks, qualities and skills of the business coach.

We're proud of our reputation as a leading global authority on business coaching. We've built this reputation by insisting on the best: the highest membership standards, the most rigorous evidence-based programs, the most advanced business coaching credentials. WABC's activities set the gold standard for business coaching and help decision-makers around the world when they screen, hire, train and evaluate business coaches. Our membership—now spanning over 40 countries and steadily growing—includes internal and external business coaches who work with entrepreneurs, managers, CEOs, presidents and professionals from all industries in the public, private and non-profit sectors—from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies.

Whether you are a business coach, trainer of business coaches, someone thinking about a career in business coaching or an organization wanting to hire a business coach or expert to help you build a coaching program or culture, WABC is your leading global resource.

The Association’s website is able to provide answers to people that have doubts about the fact that business coaching is just chit-chat, a form of consultancy, manipulation or a fad, etc.

About the author
Mafalda Simeoni
Mafalda Simeoni is a woman that has kept an "unsophisticated " perspective of things - like a rebellious girl - and she is concerned with the world, especially the working world. She asks candid and disarming questions which are difficult and sometimes even impossible to answer. They are questions that show the contradictions and difficulties of the world, but Mafalda has decided to help to answer these in a mature fashion.

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