Can we make training efficient in the era of the smartphone and social media?

Leaplines Tools

In the articles we published on 24 February (Are customers really your main focus?) and 2 March (Is your organisation already performing well?) We examined two of the six strategic relational areas on which Moovs (see: GoodGoing! and Moovs – Complementary and motivated published on 17 February) provides consulting.

Before continuing with the other four areas, we’d like to quickly look at an issue that, ever since we announced our partnership with Moovs (Training according to GoodGoing! – published on 10 February), acts as a precursor of the vision for providing training based on the trends described in the article in Digital4Biz (Training: the 6 trends that will guide companies in the next 12 months – which I shared on LinkedIn) by exploiting the possibilities offered by digital transformation: improving quality and timeliness while also reducing duration and costs thanks to the ubiquity of access to digital content and the variety of different media that can be used.

This article acquires even more significance in light of the difficult moment we are experiencing as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, the virus that has rapidly swept through our part of the world and shaken up our lifestyle habits and the way we work.

In light of a series of events that have been cancelled or postponed (meetings and appointments as well as fairs and conferences) and the spread of remote working methods as a precautionary measure for contrasting the spread of the virus, even training courses have been cancelled (at least courses held in classrooms ) or postponed indefinitely. It’s easy to imagine the consequences of this in terms of the production plans and training programmes of organisations.

What are we suggesting? There is no single answer, because the degree to which digital training platforms - known as LMS, the acronym for Learning Management System – are adopted varies significantly depending on the dimensions of organisations and the platforms they use (if at all) have different features in terms of the extensiveness of the coverage, architecture (cloud or on premise), the integration and updating of functions. But this is just one of the points: having advanced technologies is no guarantee of success if the content is not complete or cannot be updated or used from any type of device and if it is not interactive and engaging.

Our offer starts from an assessment of the current situation (as is) to establish the range of interventions to be implemented based on the above assumptions. These interventions might focus on both technological aspects and content. If necessary, we can provide customers with the digital platform from Leaplines - a company owned by Moovs - which is an excellent example of what we mean by state-of-the-art technology.

Leaplines develops and commercialises a Cloud-based platform that is available as Software as a Service - SaaS – comprising entertaining, engaging and intuitive applications that are easily accessible and which can be integrated with the training and communication platforms you currently use in your organisations in order to strengthen, challenge and train your co-workers. The modules available entirely or partially cover the entire life-cycle of a co-worker, from the recruitment phase to the moment they join the organisation, from their involvement in the organisation’s targets to the development of competencies, from the acknowledgement of results through to the moment they leave the company and the post-career phase.

We will be publishing articles describing individual modules and will be focusing on the functional features of each of these. For the time being, we can confirm that the platform has an extensive library of courses, it allows you to manage customised learning programmes, objectives, has check-lists to assess the level of understanding, uses engaging procedures based on the gamification of content, issues accreditations when results are reached, offers verifications on adherence to the culture in the workplace, as well as individual coaching and comprehensive reporting to measure responses to the supply of content through standard or customisable metrics. There are a myriad of use cases and they are indicative of the results that can be attained. Contact us at for more information on this subject or if you want a demonstration.

About the author
Stefano Carlo Longo
Stefano Carlo Longo has had a long career as an “innovator” in the ICT sector, in management positions in sales, marketing and consultancy with major international companies, including EY, Atos and Adobe. He is the co-founder of an e-commerce company dedicated to luxury wines and is an investor in a rapidly developing start-up in the Mobile Engagement sector (MobileBridge), which he promotes with customers and partners.

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